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We hope you found our technology innovative and useful.

If you are interested for a DVD of the video of the technique, You may purchase this DVD from us..

Price for the DVD is 1500.00 INR in India and USD 65 for outside India.

To purchase this DVD please mail us at ramkrihsnapurohit@hotmail.com and we will mail you details on how you can purchase this dvd.

Surgeon who is interested to work on this technique for research purpose could write to us through the head of the department to get a CD-ROM free of cost.

To watch the video, kindly register and note the Username and Password for future log in. You can also download the video to your computer. To learn and practice, always watch the steps of the procedure before entering the operation theater for vaginal hysterectomy at least for six months. Kindly see some interesting specimens removed during vaginal hysterectomy by Purohit technique and appreciate the scope of the technique. We request you to kindly fill up the feedback form or email your comments and suggestions on different aspects of the technique, which will be valuable for us.